Though many people who are new to the ketogenic diet have problems sleeping, there is no definitive reason for this.
So far, here’s what we know
The inability to fall or stay asleep is known as insomnia.
Here are some facts you must aware of
- The length of time it takes you to fall asleep at night is known as sleep-onset latency (SOL).
- The length of a person’s sleep is measured in hours.
- Sleep efficiency refers to how well you actually slept based on the quality of your sleep.
- The amount of time you spend sleeping can be used to gauge the quality of your sleep.
- Slow wave sleep (SWS) is a type of deep, restorative sleep.
- Your brain works on storing and filing memories during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
- Sleep deprivation is described as a combination of low sleep efficiency and a high SOL (ranging from 30 to 60 minutes).
There are several non-diet-related causes of sleep problems, including:
- Anxiety, stress, and depression
- Substance and alcohol abuse
- Changes in hormones or medical conditions
- Certain diseases
- Medications
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Caffeine and other stimulants are examples of stimulants.
If you can manage these causes with medical advice from your doctor, you may be able to get a handle on your sleep issues.
However, if you are unable to do so, find what is causing you to loose your sleep
Keto Diet and insomnia
Carbohydrates are energy sources that are also known as comfort foods due to their soothing effect on the body. Whole grain carbohydrates provide the body with glucose and help to maintain a consistent energy level
They also work to improve the entry of the amino acid L-tryptophan into the brain. This amino acid stimulates the production of serotonin, which aids in the improvement of sleep and the relaxation of the body. Because the keto diet eliminates carbohydrates from the body, this amino acid is also eliminated.
L-tryptophan supplements can help with insomnia. Consult your doctor before using these supplements.
Effects of ketogenic diet
Insomnia is a common side effect of the keto diet, and keto dieters frequently complain about it. It causes kidney stones, electrolyte imbalances, constipation, liver damage, and cholesterol problems.
Many Ketogenic dieters complain of dehydration and decreased vigor. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that Keto and non-Ketogenic participants lose the same amount of weight and show the same level of improvement in insulin function.
However, if you want to lose weight safely, the American Medical Association advises against adopting the keto lifestyle.
Follow these steps to get help to improve sleep while on ketogenic diet
- Sleep is difficult to come by on a low-carb diet. It is possible that your body’s circadian rhythm is disrupted. It is a natural process that will occur that works with cortisol and melatonin signals
- This cycle is disrupted in the event of awakening. To improve insomnia on a keto diet, the circadian rhythm must be restored. When you wake up, try to get some sunlight on your face and eyes. Restring cortisol melatonin is essential to have a better sleep.
- Dimming lights at night increases melatonin and decreases cortisol. Use of electronic devices is not permitted on the bed, because their lights produce cortisol in the same way that the sun does.
- Take a magnesium supplement at night. It relaxes your muscles, relieves stress, and improves cramps, which may be contributing to your inability to sleep.
- It is preferable to take a shower before going to bed. To relax your muscles, add some Epsom salt (which contains magnesium) and a few drops of lavender oil.
- Do not consider exercising between the hours of 8 and 10 p.m. because it energises the body and wakes you up.
- Plan your yoga routine before you go to bed. It allows the mind to unwind after a long day and clears the mind.
If these suggestions do not work, try adding a few carbohydrates at night, such as some berries. It is exactly what the body requires at this time.
There is a link between insomnia and keto, but try to use these simple steps because the power of sleep is the most important. Otherwise, your weight loss plan may stall, you may experience anxiety, and your hormones may be disrupted
The amount of sleep required by each individual varies.
It is primarily determined by age, physical activity, and diet. It’s possible that you’re not sleeping because you slept for a few hours during the day. Most adults require 7-8 hours of sleep per day to function properly.
If this requirement is not met, poor health conditions develop, resulting in lethargy and fatigue throughout the day.
Frequently asked questions
How long does insomnia last?
It is one of the most common side effect of any diet that cuts down carbohydrates that it troubles you to sleep . Well as you ease into ketogenic diet, within a few weeks you will feel that your sleep is eventually improved.
What is keto insomnia?
When you strictly follow ketogenic diet and cut down carbohydrates your body takes you into the metabolic process of ketosis. Its when your body uses its stored fats for energy as it doesn’t have any carbohydrates available.
This is a huge adjustment for our body and due to such big changes , some of side effects are muscle aches , bad breathe, and sleeplessness.
How keto can improve sleep?
Studies suggest that eating a ketogenic diet increases adenosine activity in the body, which helps to relax the nervous system while also lowering pain and inflammation – all of which can help you sleep better.
Health is wealth and if you are suffering obesity ketogenic diet should be your way of life until you get back on your healthy weight.
With least carbohydrates you might suffer insomnia but in the long run it helps you get into shape and certain sacrifices for greater good seems like good trade .