Health Sabz

Obesity Causes and Symptoms You Should know

Being overweight is problematic. It is a preventable illness. In North America, obesity is the leading cause of disease. It has increased in industrialized countries.

According to the World Health Organization, obesity is an epidemic. In the US, more than 69% of the population is obese or overweight.

In Canada, 27% of women and 40% of men are overweight, while 17% of women and 20% of men are fat.

Obese people are at high risk of health complications such as heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, cancer, and gallbladder issues.

Doctors recommend a weekly checkup to determine body weight. Once you carry a few extra pounds of weight, your body will develop specific symptoms that can impact your daily life.

Here, you will learn about obesity causes and symptoms that can significantly help you monitor your body.


Obesity Causes and Symptoms

Causes of Obesity

A state when the body acquires more calories than it burns. A few years ago, people were of the view that obesity occurs only due to overeating and sedentary habits.

Hence, the body loses self-power and control. Indeed, these factors are contributory, but doctors recognize many complex factors that cause obesity, such as genetic, behavioral, environmental, and social factors.

These roles are inherent in determining the weight of an individual.

Genetic factors change the appetite, hence the modified fat metabolism. For instance, a person who is genetically prone to gain more weight is at higher risk of developing an unhealthy lifestyle and being inactive.

A person’s genetic makeup is not the only primary cause; behavioral and environmental factors play a more vital role.

In the long run, consuming high-fat foods and engaging in zero physical activity contributes to weight gain—psychological factors such as guilt, lower self-esteem, trauma, and emotional stress cause overeating.

Medical conditions such as Cushing’s disease, binge eating disorder, and polycystic ovary syndrome are responsible for obesity and overweight.

Certain medications, like antidepressants, cause weight gain. Hypothyroidism, a condition related to the thyroid gland, can also lead to obesity.

Obesity Symptoms

Obesity is a serious health concern. Initially, people do not care about being overweight and consider that carrying extra kilograms will not be an issue.

However, this perception is wrong, and the heightened weight gain causes a more inactive lifestyle. The day-to-day health problems attributed to obesity are:

  • Increased sweating
  • Breathlessness
  • Sleep issues (sleep apnea)
  • Mismanagement with physical activity
  • Snoring
  • Feeling tired
  • Lower self-esteem
  • Less confidence level
  • Back and joint pain
  • Isolation
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke

Obese people are the victims of these symptoms. If these symptoms go unnoticed, serious health issues will arise.

For instance, high blood pressure and the accumulation of high cholesterol significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and coronary heart issues.

The crucial long-term problem with obesity is type 2 diabetes. It causes a lot of thirst, a frequent urge to urinate, and tiredness. 

Obesity causes and symptoms are clear if ignored for a specified period; they can cause serious medical complications. Doctors recommend the diagnosis of obesity if the above symptoms are present in an individual by measuring the body mass index.

Who is at high risk?

Anyone with the symptoms mentioned above is at high risk. Obesity is treated and managed to decrease health risks so that quality of life will improve.

Ideal weight management programs, such as a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and exercise, are critical. In some cases, psychological counseling may work. Losing weight is challenging. One can maintain it by pursuing a balanced diet.

Crash and fad diets do not often work, yet they prove dangerous. A minimum amount of energy is required for the body to function correctly; therefore, fasting is not an appreciated idea. 

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